Property Assessment / Valuation


Each year on January 1st your property is valued or assessed. This is the basis for distributing the tax levy on property in Omro. Assessed valuation should not be confused with fair market value or equalized value. You will hear these terms during the tax roll preparation time, which is in late fall and early winter.

Your property’s assessed valuation has generally been set at the last revaluation, which took place in 2005. If you have made improvements to your property then there is a good likelihood that your assessed valuation has changed from the level set in 2005. When there is a change in your assessed valuation, you receive a notice from Bowmar Appraisal stating what the new valuation is and when and where you can dispute their determination.  The next revaluation is schedule for 2018.

To dispute a change in your assessed valuation you may attend the "Open Book" session held around the end of April, or the beginning of May, each year. If you feel that the determination made at open book is not satisfactory, you may apply at City Hall to appear before the “Board of Review”, which generally meets during May.

Watch the Omro Herald newspapers in March, April, and May for notices of the exact time and place for these meetings. This is your only chance to dispute your assessed valuation.  Contact City Hall if you would like your name to be placed on a list of residents to be personally notified of the upcoming dates for Open Book or Board of Review.