
The Finance Department for the City of Omro plays a crucial role in managing the financial resources of the municipality. Its primary functions include but not limited to:

Budgeting: The finance department is responsible for developing the City's budget. This involves estimating revenues, allocating funds to various departments, and ensuring that expenditures align with the City's priorities and goals.

Risk Management: Identifying and managing financial risks is a crucial aspect. This includes assessing potential financial challenges, implementing risk mitigation strategies, and maintaining financial stability.

Accounting: The department is tasked with maintaining accurate and transparent financial records. This includes recording all financial transactions, tracking expenses, and ensuring compliance with accounting standards.

Financial Reporting: The finance department prepares regular financial reports for City officials, stakeholders, and the public. These reports provide insights into the City's financial health, performance against budget, and overall fiscal transparency.

Revenue Management: It oversees the collection of various revenues, such as taxes, fees, and grants. This involves ensuring compliance with tax regulations, implementing effective revenue collection strategies, and exploring opportunities for revenue generation.

At the City of Omro's Finance Department, we are dedicated to fostering financial stability, transparency, and growth.