Yard Waste/Clean Landfill

The City of Omro residents may take grass, garden waste and brush to the clean land fill located at 1221 South Webster Avenue.  The gate is opened and the site is monitored on Saturday mornings from 8 AM - Noon from Spring until Fall (weather dependent). Rocks, concrete and brick can be taken to our landfill on Hy 116 across from the cemetery with permission from our Public Works Director.  Call Steve Bilkey at 685-7020. The first full week in May, the city will take larger items such as furniture, etc, during our "clean-up week".  Consult your garbage and recycling magnet or contact city hall for dates and hours and items allowed.


The City's clean landfill will be open on Saturdays from 8am-noon.  It is also available Monday - Friday from 8 AM to 4:30 PM by picking up a key from city hall.  ID is required, so please come prepared! 



Residents are reminded that raking leaves into the street increases pollution of storm water and may cause flooding by blocking drainage structures. Most importantly, piles of leaves in the street are a dangerous attraction to young children. As an alternative to raking leaves to the curb, residents are encouraged to try chopping up moderate amounts of leaves with a lawnmower. This can be done during normal lawn mowing. Just don’t allow the leaves to mat and make sure that ample grass shows through them. This will save you work and time, add nutrients to your lawn, reduce windblown leaves in your neighborhood and reduce the amount of labor and fuel the City needs to use for leaf collection. If you really like to rake, composting your leaves in a backyard garden is another environmentally friendly alternative, which will provide you with useful organic material next year.

Some green and recycling sites to visit:

